Rules & Guidlines For Domestic Helper
Below is rules & guidlines for FDW (Domestic Helper) that from internet when I first time employ our first FDW .
- You have to tie up your hair neatly at all times, except when you bathe and sleep, so that you don’t look messy.
- You cannot wear sleeveless or very sexy clothes when you are working. You cannot use make-up or nail polish at all.
- You have to bathe and brush your teeth at least once a day. Change your clothes whenever it is dirty, and make sure you have no body odour at all times as you have to take care of the baby. Use the deodorant that we provide.
- You cannot apply anything that is oily or has a strong smell as maam & the baby are sensitive to them. No perfumes or oil. If you are not feeling well, let us know and we will give you other medicine.
- You must always keep your room neat, clean and tidy.
- You must always keep your finger and toe nails short and clean.
- Always wash your hands with hand soap after using the toilet, after doing your chores, after eating, when we come home from outside, before cooking, before preparing feedings and before taking care of the baby.
Your Conduct
- Listen carefully to instructions and follow. Please do not argue with us when we give you instructions. Since we are the employers, things will be done our way.
- Be humble, mature and responsible. If we tell you that you have done something wrong, apologise and do it correctly. Apologise saying ‘Sorry maam/sir’, not ‘ya’ or ‘ok’. Remember your mistakes and do not repeat them again, or you will be wasting everyone’s time.
- You must be polite and greet everyone who comes to our house or when we visit their houses. This is good manners.
- Please greet us and our parents before you eat. If we are having meals at other people’s houses, do greet the owners as well. This is basic courtesy to be thankful for your meals.
- Please do not talk to outsiders without our permission. If you are outside and someone comes to speak to you, move away or let us know. Only talk to people we know, including other helpers we know.
- You cannot open the door to any stranger without our permission. We will tell you if someone is coming.
- Answer the phone if you are alone at home, and not busy with the baby. It will usually be us. If it is someone else, just say we are not home and to call back later.
- You can only enter our room if we tell you to. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, ask our permission first.
- You cannot enter the rooms of other people’s houses unless we ask you to, or our baby is inside. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, ask our permission first.
- You cannot watch TV or read the newspaper when you are supposed to be doing your work or taking care of the baby. You can read our books if you have the time, especially cookbooks. Do not turn on the television on your own, especially when you are alone in the house. You can read, write, or just rest after you have finished your chores.
- After you have finished repaying your loan, you can use your own salary to get a prepaid card for use. You can only use your handphone after 10pm, or if we allow you to rest earlier. Your handphone must be off and kept away from 7am to 10pm as that is your working time. We do not want you to be distracted when taking care of the baby. If you break this rule, we will keep your handphone and not allow you to use it anymore.
- As we are not Christians, you can only pray at home.
- We will keep all your money for you, and you can keep track with our documentation. When you need the money to buy things, tell us how much and we will pass it to you.
- You have to inform us immediately if you are slightly sick. If you are sick and don’t see a doctor, we will have to take care of you when you are very sick. You may pass the germs to the baby or us, and we will all fall sick. We will be very angry if this happens as the baby is sick and very weak.
- Please tell us if you hurt yourself. We want you to get treated immediately in the right way. Do not use your own medication. We will give you ours.
- Please do not use any of your traditional ways on us or the baby. Just do your job well and we will treat you well like a member of our family.
- Do not ask us for an off day as that is part of our agreement. We will go out as a family.
- You cannot tell outsiders what happened in our house or what we say. This is simple respect for us.
- You must always be honest and tell the truth. Please do not lie to us about anything. If we find out you lied about anything, we cannot trust you anymore.
- You must NEVER steal anything - clothes, things, money or food from us or anyone else. If you steal, we will send you to the police and you will GO TO JAIL. You will also not be able to come back to Singapore to work FOREVER.
Your Job
- Taking care of the baby is your most important job. You have to take care of her well, then do housework.
- You cannot beat or scold the baby. If she is naughty or you cannot handle her, tell us and we will teach you how. If you treat her well, she will love you too.
- If something happens when you are feeding, changing or carrying the baby, like raining or water boiling, always take care of the baby first. Finish what you are doing with the baby quickly then go do the other things.
- If you think the baby is sick, tell us immediately. A small thing might be very bad for the baby, so we have to give medicine fast.
- We will give you instructions on what to do everyday. You must reply “yes, maam/sir” if you understand. You must always ask if you do not understand our instructions or have forgotten something. We will not be angry with you for asking, but if you do something wrong because you did not ask, then we will be angry.
- When we ask you if you know how to do something, tell us the truth. We will show you how to do everything till you understand. You must follow and do all the jobs.
- We will give you a reasonable amount of work to do every day. If you cannot finish, you must tell us the reason, and we will adjust the schedule if it is necessary. Be fast, but make sure everything is clean.
- You must always ask us if you want to do something we did not tell you to do. We have our own ways of doing things so just follow. Don’t try to use your own ideas because they may be wrong.
- When we go to our parents’ houses, you must also help to do the housework there, like sweeping and moping the floor, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes and others.
- When we go to our friends’ houses, you must also help with the cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and others, if we are having our meal there.
- Help us to save money by not wasting water and electricity or things. We will give you tips on how to do a good job while saving money, like always turn off lights when you are not in the room, don’t wash things with too much water, can use last rinse for washing clothes to mop the floor, and make sure the lights, switches and gas are off before we leave the house.
- Always make sure that the window grilles are locked when you are cleaning windows. Always close and lock the window grilles in the study room after putting out or keeping the clothes.
- If you break something, let us know, in case we need to replace it. Don’t let us find out only when we need to use it. Be more careful the next time.
- Please put things back to where you took them from. Do not remove anything from its place without checking with us if it is ok. Else, we will not be able to find out things in the future.
- You will usually rest about 8-9 hours a day. We will inform you what time to wake up the next day depending on our schedule. Finish your chores before you go to bed regardless of the time.
- There are different cloths/brooms/mops/pails for different areas/purposes. Remember them and use them accordingly. If you cannot remember in the beginning, please ask, as we will be upset if you use the wrong one and dirty them.
- We will provide enough food for all your meals. We will tell you which are the items for you.
- We will provide all bath items, toothpaste and sanitary pads. Do not use the other toiletries in the bathroom. You will have your own set.
Your agreement
- In return for no off-days, we will pay you an extra $20 per month from your 8th month onwards.
- Your family can call maam’s handphone number if there is a need to speak to you during the 1st 8 months. You can buy your own calling card when you get your pay and call them once a month. You can also give them our address so that they can write to you. You can write to them as many times as you want. We will pay for the paper, envelopes and postage.
Please sign below to state that you accept and promise to work according to the above expectations set out for you as a Domestic Helper.
Presently Indonesian FDW is very expensive compare other countries. But I getting Indonesian maid. Mainly, they accept no off and my mother can speak abit of malay.
The agent told me these few things and I thing it worth take note. It help me alot.
(1) Better to take marry with children. More chance of getting FDW that are more well behave.
(2) From countery side and never work in Singapore or Oversea.
(3) Try not to give them off day. Pay them according to agent which is $70 for 4 days.
Reason: They may mixed with bad company.
(4) Never never .... allow her to take handphone. Tell her that you will allow her to call back using your phone.
(5) Before you bring her in, tell her that her salary will be place in bank or you safe keep. But you must tell that she can take money from you if she want to buy anything or sent back money.
(6) Tell the agent of you family background and requirement such as "need to take care you mum and father, wash car etc.... before bring her to Singapore.
(7) Respect her custom i.e. if she cannot take pork.
(8) MOM do not teach them all the safety. You must tell her about basic electrical , working at height safety, electrical applicance i.e blender etc, sufficient sleep.
(9) If she cannot understand english, you can use google translator to help you.
(10) Must have patient, some country side maid are really very slow and poor leaner. They need few months to adapt and familiar your requirement.
One last word. If they have money in her pocket, off day and handphone - Most likely you have problem if her motivate is not her as FDW.
Sorry, these points may seem odd or strange but these are some of the experience that I gained from past few good and bad maids.
I did not follow every rule or guidline. Some are too strict or seem odd or strange
I feel it important to make sure they feel like home and they will take care your loves ones.
I feel it important to make sure they feel like home and they will take care your loves ones.
1. Always be polite and respectful. No talking back or shouting. Selalu bersopan-santun and menghormati majikan. Tidak boleh menjerit atau menjawab balik.
2. Always be hygienic and clean. Bathe twice a day (once in morning and once in evening), keep long hair tied up, keep nails short and clean. Utamakan pembersihan diri. Mandi dua kali sehari (pagi dan soreh), sentiasa ikat rambut panjang, kuku harus sentiasa pendek dan bersih.
3. Be attentive and pay attention when given instructions. Write down on paper if cannot remember. Harus dengar dengan teliti apabila diberi tunjuk-ajar. Jika tidak boleh ingat tulis di atas kertas.
4. If you are not sure of anything, don’t be afraid to ask. Jika anda tidak tentu dengan apa-apa, mesti tanya.
5. If you are free, ask to check if Mdm/Sir got anything for you to do. Jika ada masa lapang, tanya dengan Mdm/Sir jika mereka ada apa-apa kerja yang kamu boleh buat.
6. Hygiene is of utmost importance. Always wash hands with soap and water before and after preparing/handling food (esp. Mdm/Sir’s food), before and after cooking, before touching Sarah, before you put washed bottles/teats in the sterilizer, before you take out bottles/teats from sterilizer, and when you come back from outside. Utamakan kebersihan. Mesti selalu basuh tangan dengan air dan sabun sebelum dan selepas memasak/menyiapkan makanan, sebelum memegang Mdm/Sir
7. Wear decent clothes. No shorts or tight t-shirts/blouses/pants/bermudas. Pakai pakaian yang sesuai dan berpatutan dan bukan yang ketat atau menjolok mata.
8. Cannot give Mdm’s house number to family and friends. Tidak dibenarkan memberi nombor telefon Mdm kepada keluarga atau kawan-kawan.
9. If you want to make overseas call to Indonesia, must use prepaid ICC cards. Must ask permission first before using the phone. Jika ingin menelefon ke Indonesia, mesti menggunakan kad ICC. Mesti meminta izin dahulu sebelum menggunakan telefon.
11. S$500 of your salary will be kept by employer as a security bond, in case you decide to terminate your contract early. Gaji sebanyak S$500 akan disimpan oleh majikan sebagai ganti jamin kalau anda hendak berhenti kerja sebelum kontrak habis.
1. Always be polite and respectful. No talking back or shouting. Selalu bersopan-santun and menghormati majikan. Tidak boleh menjerit atau menjawab balik.
2. Always be hygienic and clean. Bathe twice a day (once in morning and once in evening), keep long hair tied up, keep nails short and clean. Utamakan pembersihan diri. Mandi dua kali sehari (pagi dan soreh), sentiasa ikat rambut panjang, kuku harus sentiasa pendek dan bersih.
3. Be attentive and pay attention when given instructions. Write down on paper if cannot remember. Harus dengar dengan teliti apabila diberi tunjuk-ajar. Jika tidak boleh ingat tulis di atas kertas.
4. If you are not sure of anything, don’t be afraid to ask. Jika anda tidak tentu dengan apa-apa, mesti tanya.
5. If you are free, ask to check if Mdm/Sir got anything for you to do. Jika ada masa lapang, tanya dengan Mdm/Sir jika mereka ada apa-apa kerja yang kamu boleh buat.
6. Hygiene is of utmost importance. Always wash hands with soap and water before and after preparing/handling food (esp. Mdm/Sir’s food), before and after cooking, before touching Sarah, before you put washed bottles/teats in the sterilizer, before you take out bottles/teats from sterilizer, and when you come back from outside. Utamakan kebersihan. Mesti selalu basuh tangan dengan air dan sabun sebelum dan selepas memasak/menyiapkan makanan, sebelum memegang Mdm/Sir
7. Wear decent clothes. No shorts or tight t-shirts/blouses/pants/bermudas. Pakai pakaian yang sesuai dan berpatutan dan bukan yang ketat atau menjolok mata.
8. Cannot give Mdm’s house number to family and friends. Tidak dibenarkan memberi nombor telefon Mdm kepada keluarga atau kawan-kawan.
9. If you want to make overseas call to Indonesia, must use prepaid ICC cards. Must ask permission first before using the phone. Jika ingin menelefon ke Indonesia, mesti menggunakan kad ICC. Mesti meminta izin dahulu sebelum menggunakan telefon.
11. S$500 of your salary will be kept by employer as a security bond, in case you decide to terminate your contract early. Gaji sebanyak S$500 akan disimpan oleh majikan sebagai ganti jamin kalau anda hendak berhenti kerja sebelum kontrak habis.
12. Every month, employer will keep $250 of your salary for safekeeping, and give you the remaining $50 for your monthly expenses. Setiap bulan, majikan akan simpan $250 duit gaji, dan memberi baki $50 kepada anda untuk wang belanja.
13. If you want to send any of your salary back home to Indonesia, let Mdm know and Mdm will bring you to go send the money back home. Jika anda ingin hantar wang gaji kepada keluarga di Indonesia, beri tahu Mdm dan Mdm akan tolong bawa anda ke tempat menghantar wang.
14. No salary advancement will be entertained. Tidak boleh miminta wang gaji dahuluan.
15. Must hand wash your own clothes in the morning and hang to dry outside the house. Pakaian sendiri harus dibasuh pagi-pagi dengan tangan dan dijemur di luar rumah.
16. Can only use the common bathroom. Hanya boleh menggunakan bilik air di dapur untuk mandi, membuang air, basuh baju.
19. If you are sick, let Mdm know and Mdm will bring you to the doctor. When you are sick cannot have any contact with Mdm until you are well. Jika anda sakit, mesti beritahu Sir dan Sir akan bawa anda ke doctor. Bila anda sakit tidak boleh dekat dengan Mdm.
20. Can only eat/drink food we have designated for you or allowed you to eat. However, you can help yourself to rice, eggs and butter. Hanya boleh makan/minum makanan/minuman yang kami ketepikan untuk anda atau yang kami memberi izinan untuk makan/minum. Tetapi anda dibenarkan mengambil dan makan nasi, telur dan mentega yang ada di rumah.
21. Cannot share food or cutlery with Mdm Tidak boleh berkongsi makanan atau pinggan/mangkuk/sudu/garpu dengan Mdm.
22. Must keep the floor clean at all times. The floor has to be hand-mopped with a damp cloth daily. Lantai harus sentiasa bersih. Lantai mesti di-mop dengan tangan setiap hari menggunakan kain basah.
23. Cannot leave the house without permission. Tidak boleh keluar rumah tanpa keizinan.
24. Cannot keep a set of housekeys at all times, and cannot use the housekeys without permission. Tidak boleh simpan kunci rumah. Tidau boleh menggunakan kunci rumah tanpa keizinan.
25. Cannot enter study room at all times. Tidak boleh masuk kamar pejabat.
26. Do not go through Mdm/Sir/Sarah belongings without permission. Tidak boleh menggunakan atau menggeledek barang-barang Mdm/Sir/Sarah tanpa kebenaran.
27. Salary is $300/mth with no off days, to be paid on the 20th of every month.Gaji sebulan adalah $300 tanpa hari rehat/cuti. Gaji akan dibayar pada 20 haribulan setiap bulan.
28. Be gentle when using household appliances/equipment. No banging of things. Berhati-hati apabila menggunakan perabot/alat elektrik rumah. Jangan menghentak-hentak. Gunakan dengan baik dan tertib.
29. Fold laundry on the bed in the master bedroom. Lipat baju cucian di atas katil di kamar Mdm.
30. Bring down and fold laundry at 3pm before cooking dinner. Bawa turun dan lipat cucian pada jam 3 petang sebelum memasak makanan malam.
31. Must wake up at 6.30am (7.30am on weekends) and go to bed at 10pm after all chores are done. Do not oversleep in the morning or go to bed before 10pm. Harus bangun tidur pada jam 6 pagi dan pergi tidur pada jam 10 malam, Jangan lambat bangun tidur dan tidak boleh pergi tidur sebelum jam 10 malam.
32. No lying, no stealing. Jangan membohong, jangan mencuri.
33. No talking to strangers. Tidak boleh bercakap atau berbual dengan orang-orang yang tidak dikenali.
34. Cannot bring anyone over to the house. Tidak boleh membawa sesiapa pun ke rumah Mdm.
35. Do not dilly-dally when doing housework. Jangan buat kerja rumah dengan perlahan-lahan.
36. Cannot open cupboards and drawers in the house (except those in the kitchen) without permission. Tidak boleh membuka almari di rumah Mdm (kecuali almari di dalam dapur) tanpa kebenaran.
37. Cannot enter master bedroom and Sarah’s room without permission. Tidak boleh masuk kamar tidur Mdm atau Sarah tanpa kebenaran.
38. DO NOT hang laundry on bamboo poles outside the kitchen window. All laundry are to be hung inside the kitchen. TIDAK BOLEH menjemur cucian di luar tingkap dapur. Cucian harus dijemur di dalam dapur.
39. DO NOT clean exterior of windows. Can only clean interior of windows. If Mdm asks to clean exterior of windows, can ONLY do it when Mdm is at home and with the window grilles locked. TIDAK BOLEH membersihkan luar tingkap. Hanya boleh bersihkan dalam tingkap sahaja. Jika Mdm suruh membersihkan luar tingkap, MESTI bersihkan bila Mdm ada di rumah dan grill tingkap harus dikunci.
40. A daily schedule will be drawn up for you. Must follow the daily schedule, unless Mdm says otherwise. We have the right to change the schedules as and when we see fit, to suit our changing needs and circumstances. Jadual kerja harian akan disiapkan. Harus mengikut jadual kerja harian. Mdm dibenarkan menukar jadual harian itu apabila diperlukan.
41. You will be given a set of your own cutlery, plates, bowls, cups, etc. Must use your own set. Anda akan diberikan pinggan, mangkuk, sudu, garpu, gelas sendiri. Harus gunakan pinggan, mangkuk, sudu, garpu, gelas sendiri.
42. If any of your food items have finished, let Mdm know and we will buy more for you. Jika makanan anda sudah habis, beritahu Mdm dan kita akan belikan lebih untuk anda.
43. If any of the groceries, household items, etc in the house are about to finish, let Mdm know so that we can buy the next time we go to the supermarket.Jika barang-barang rumah atau barang-barang pasaran/makanan hampir habis, beritahu Mdm dan kami akan beli.
44. Cannot use the phone in Mdm’s house. If you make any calls using the phone, the cost will be deducted from salary. Tidak boleh menggunakan telefon di rumah Mdm. Jika menggunakan telefon Mdm, harga panggilan telefon itu akan dipotong dari gaji.
46. ALWAYS keep all toilet doors closed at all times, even when not using. Pintu tandas harus sentiasa ditutup, walaupun bila tidak menggunakan.
47. When it rains make sure all windows are closed and all laundry hanging outside along the corridor are brought into the house. Jika hujan, tutup semua tingkap dan bawa masuk semua baju jemuran yang sedaing dijemur di luar rumah.
48. Cannot watch TV without permission. Tidak boleh menonton TV tanpa keizinan.
49. When washing Sarah’s bottles, teats, plates, cutlery and Tupperware, must use the Tollyjoy bottle detergent. Dishwashing detergent is to be used to wash our regular plates/cutlery. Bila mencuci barang-barang Sarah (botol susu, pinggan, sudu, Tupperware) harus gunakan sabun Tollyjoy. Sabun biasa hanya digunakan untuk pinggan-mangkuk-sudu-garpu kami yang biasa.
50. Your first priority is to do housework and cooking, and followed by babysitting of Sarah. I will take care of Sarah and attend to her most of the time, and you will only be required to take care of Sarah when I ask you to. Tugas utama kamu adalah membersihkan rumah dan memasak. Mdm akan menjaga Sarah dan kamu hanya perlu menjaga Sarah bila Mdm suruh.
51. We will keep your original passport, work permit and bank account passbook (if any). You will get to keep photocopies of your passport and work permit. Kami akan simpankan paspot dan permit kerja anda. Kamu akan diberikan fotokopi paspot dan permit kerja.
52. Whenever you see any mess, please tidy up without having to be told to do so. Jika anda lihat rumah berserak, bersihkan tanpa diperlu diberitahu.
53. Whenever you see dirty dishes/cups in the sink, on the stove or around the house, please wash without having to be told to do so. Jika anda lihat pinggan atau gelas kotor di dalam sink atau rumah, cucikan tanpa diperlu diberitahu.
54. Once all washed forks & spoons are dry, keep them in the cutlery drawer. Apabila sudu garpu yang sudah dicuci sudah kering, simpankan dalam almari.
55. Do not be fussy about your food or meals. Eat whatever food we have set aside or bought for you. For breakfast, you can have biscuits or bread with coffee, tea or Milo. For lunch, you can cook something simple to eat with rice or bread, or cook instant noodles. For dinner you will eat whatever we eat, ie. once dinner is cooked we will dish out your portion for you. If we buy dinner back home we will also buy a portion for you. When we bring you out to eat you will eat whatever we buy for you. Jangan cerewet tentang makanan. Makan apa sahaja yang kami sudah siapkan atau belikan. Pagi, kamu boleh makan roti atau biskut sama kopi, teh atau Milo. Petang, kamu boleh masak hiding yang senang untuk dimakan dengan nasi atau roti, atau masak mee segera. Malam kamu akan makan apa yang kami makan, ie. selepas memasak makanan malam, kami akan ketepikan bahagian anda. Kalau kami beli makanan malam dari luar kami akan belikan untuk anda juga. Kalau kami bawa anda keluar makan, kamu akan makan apa sahaja yang kami belikan untuk anda.
13. If you want to send any of your salary back home to Indonesia, let Mdm know and Mdm will bring you to go send the money back home. Jika anda ingin hantar wang gaji kepada keluarga di Indonesia, beri tahu Mdm dan Mdm akan tolong bawa anda ke tempat menghantar wang.
14. No salary advancement will be entertained. Tidak boleh miminta wang gaji dahuluan.
15. Must hand wash your own clothes in the morning and hang to dry outside the house. Pakaian sendiri harus dibasuh pagi-pagi dengan tangan dan dijemur di luar rumah.
16. Can only use the common bathroom. Hanya boleh menggunakan bilik air di dapur untuk mandi, membuang air, basuh baju.
19. If you are sick, let Mdm know and Mdm will bring you to the doctor. When you are sick cannot have any contact with Mdm until you are well. Jika anda sakit, mesti beritahu Sir dan Sir akan bawa anda ke doctor. Bila anda sakit tidak boleh dekat dengan Mdm.
20. Can only eat/drink food we have designated for you or allowed you to eat. However, you can help yourself to rice, eggs and butter. Hanya boleh makan/minum makanan/minuman yang kami ketepikan untuk anda atau yang kami memberi izinan untuk makan/minum. Tetapi anda dibenarkan mengambil dan makan nasi, telur dan mentega yang ada di rumah.
21. Cannot share food or cutlery with Mdm Tidak boleh berkongsi makanan atau pinggan/mangkuk/sudu/garpu dengan Mdm.
22. Must keep the floor clean at all times. The floor has to be hand-mopped with a damp cloth daily. Lantai harus sentiasa bersih. Lantai mesti di-mop dengan tangan setiap hari menggunakan kain basah.
23. Cannot leave the house without permission. Tidak boleh keluar rumah tanpa keizinan.
24. Cannot keep a set of housekeys at all times, and cannot use the housekeys without permission. Tidak boleh simpan kunci rumah. Tidau boleh menggunakan kunci rumah tanpa keizinan.
25. Cannot enter study room at all times. Tidak boleh masuk kamar pejabat.
26. Do not go through Mdm/Sir/Sarah belongings without permission. Tidak boleh menggunakan atau menggeledek barang-barang Mdm/Sir/Sarah tanpa kebenaran.
27. Salary is $300/mth with no off days, to be paid on the 20th of every month.Gaji sebulan adalah $300 tanpa hari rehat/cuti. Gaji akan dibayar pada 20 haribulan setiap bulan.
28. Be gentle when using household appliances/equipment. No banging of things. Berhati-hati apabila menggunakan perabot/alat elektrik rumah. Jangan menghentak-hentak. Gunakan dengan baik dan tertib.
29. Fold laundry on the bed in the master bedroom. Lipat baju cucian di atas katil di kamar Mdm.
30. Bring down and fold laundry at 3pm before cooking dinner. Bawa turun dan lipat cucian pada jam 3 petang sebelum memasak makanan malam.
31. Must wake up at 6.30am (7.30am on weekends) and go to bed at 10pm after all chores are done. Do not oversleep in the morning or go to bed before 10pm. Harus bangun tidur pada jam 6 pagi dan pergi tidur pada jam 10 malam, Jangan lambat bangun tidur dan tidak boleh pergi tidur sebelum jam 10 malam.
32. No lying, no stealing. Jangan membohong, jangan mencuri.
33. No talking to strangers. Tidak boleh bercakap atau berbual dengan orang-orang yang tidak dikenali.
34. Cannot bring anyone over to the house. Tidak boleh membawa sesiapa pun ke rumah Mdm.
35. Do not dilly-dally when doing housework. Jangan buat kerja rumah dengan perlahan-lahan.
36. Cannot open cupboards and drawers in the house (except those in the kitchen) without permission. Tidak boleh membuka almari di rumah Mdm (kecuali almari di dalam dapur) tanpa kebenaran.
37. Cannot enter master bedroom and Sarah’s room without permission. Tidak boleh masuk kamar tidur Mdm atau Sarah tanpa kebenaran.
38. DO NOT hang laundry on bamboo poles outside the kitchen window. All laundry are to be hung inside the kitchen. TIDAK BOLEH menjemur cucian di luar tingkap dapur. Cucian harus dijemur di dalam dapur.
39. DO NOT clean exterior of windows. Can only clean interior of windows. If Mdm asks to clean exterior of windows, can ONLY do it when Mdm is at home and with the window grilles locked. TIDAK BOLEH membersihkan luar tingkap. Hanya boleh bersihkan dalam tingkap sahaja. Jika Mdm suruh membersihkan luar tingkap, MESTI bersihkan bila Mdm ada di rumah dan grill tingkap harus dikunci.
40. A daily schedule will be drawn up for you. Must follow the daily schedule, unless Mdm says otherwise. We have the right to change the schedules as and when we see fit, to suit our changing needs and circumstances. Jadual kerja harian akan disiapkan. Harus mengikut jadual kerja harian. Mdm dibenarkan menukar jadual harian itu apabila diperlukan.
41. You will be given a set of your own cutlery, plates, bowls, cups, etc. Must use your own set. Anda akan diberikan pinggan, mangkuk, sudu, garpu, gelas sendiri. Harus gunakan pinggan, mangkuk, sudu, garpu, gelas sendiri.
42. If any of your food items have finished, let Mdm know and we will buy more for you. Jika makanan anda sudah habis, beritahu Mdm dan kita akan belikan lebih untuk anda.
43. If any of the groceries, household items, etc in the house are about to finish, let Mdm know so that we can buy the next time we go to the supermarket.Jika barang-barang rumah atau barang-barang pasaran/makanan hampir habis, beritahu Mdm dan kami akan beli.
44. Cannot use the phone in Mdm’s house. If you make any calls using the phone, the cost will be deducted from salary. Tidak boleh menggunakan telefon di rumah Mdm. Jika menggunakan telefon Mdm, harga panggilan telefon itu akan dipotong dari gaji.
46. ALWAYS keep all toilet doors closed at all times, even when not using. Pintu tandas harus sentiasa ditutup, walaupun bila tidak menggunakan.
47. When it rains make sure all windows are closed and all laundry hanging outside along the corridor are brought into the house. Jika hujan, tutup semua tingkap dan bawa masuk semua baju jemuran yang sedaing dijemur di luar rumah.
48. Cannot watch TV without permission. Tidak boleh menonton TV tanpa keizinan.
49. When washing Sarah’s bottles, teats, plates, cutlery and Tupperware, must use the Tollyjoy bottle detergent. Dishwashing detergent is to be used to wash our regular plates/cutlery. Bila mencuci barang-barang Sarah (botol susu, pinggan, sudu, Tupperware) harus gunakan sabun Tollyjoy. Sabun biasa hanya digunakan untuk pinggan-mangkuk-sudu-garpu kami yang biasa.
50. Your first priority is to do housework and cooking, and followed by babysitting of Sarah. I will take care of Sarah and attend to her most of the time, and you will only be required to take care of Sarah when I ask you to. Tugas utama kamu adalah membersihkan rumah dan memasak. Mdm akan menjaga Sarah dan kamu hanya perlu menjaga Sarah bila Mdm suruh.
51. We will keep your original passport, work permit and bank account passbook (if any). You will get to keep photocopies of your passport and work permit. Kami akan simpankan paspot dan permit kerja anda. Kamu akan diberikan fotokopi paspot dan permit kerja.
52. Whenever you see any mess, please tidy up without having to be told to do so. Jika anda lihat rumah berserak, bersihkan tanpa diperlu diberitahu.
53. Whenever you see dirty dishes/cups in the sink, on the stove or around the house, please wash without having to be told to do so. Jika anda lihat pinggan atau gelas kotor di dalam sink atau rumah, cucikan tanpa diperlu diberitahu.
54. Once all washed forks & spoons are dry, keep them in the cutlery drawer. Apabila sudu garpu yang sudah dicuci sudah kering, simpankan dalam almari.
55. Do not be fussy about your food or meals. Eat whatever food we have set aside or bought for you. For breakfast, you can have biscuits or bread with coffee, tea or Milo. For lunch, you can cook something simple to eat with rice or bread, or cook instant noodles. For dinner you will eat whatever we eat, ie. once dinner is cooked we will dish out your portion for you. If we buy dinner back home we will also buy a portion for you. When we bring you out to eat you will eat whatever we buy for you. Jangan cerewet tentang makanan. Makan apa sahaja yang kami sudah siapkan atau belikan. Pagi, kamu boleh makan roti atau biskut sama kopi, teh atau Milo. Petang, kamu boleh masak hiding yang senang untuk dimakan dengan nasi atau roti, atau masak mee segera. Malam kamu akan makan apa yang kami makan, ie. selepas memasak makanan malam, kami akan ketepikan bahagian anda. Kalau kami beli makanan malam dari luar kami akan belikan untuk anda juga. Kalau kami bawa anda keluar makan, kamu akan makan apa sahaja yang kami belikan untuk anda.
RED CLOTH (Merah) – Mop house floor (mop lantai rumah)
ORANG CLOTH (Oren) – Mop kitchen floor (mop lantai dapur)
BLUE CLOTH (Biru) – Wipe dining table (lap meja makan)
YELLOW CLOTH (Kuning) – Wipe furniture & windows (lap perabot dan tingkap)
GREEN CLOTH (Hijau) – Put at sink (letak di sink)
PINK CLOTH (Merah Jambu) – Put next to kettle (letak sebelah ceret)
PURPLE COTH (Ungu) – Wipe Sarah’s toys (lap mainan Sarah)
ORANG CLOTH (Oren) – Mop kitchen floor (mop lantai dapur)
BLUE CLOTH (Biru) – Wipe dining table (lap meja makan)
YELLOW CLOTH (Kuning) – Wipe furniture & windows (lap perabot dan tingkap)
GREEN CLOTH (Hijau) – Put at sink (letak di sink)
PINK CLOTH (Merah Jambu) – Put next to kettle (letak sebelah ceret)
PURPLE COTH (Ungu) – Wipe Sarah’s toys (lap mainan Sarah)
Another post by Are
of House Rules
Our expectations of a good Domestic Helper (DH)
Your Personal Hygiene - You have to tie up your hair neatly at all times, except when you bathe and sleep, so that you don’t look messy.
- You cannot wear sleeveless or very sexy clothes when you are working. You cannot use make-up or nail polish at all.
- You have to bathe and brush your teeth at least once a day. Change your clothes whenever it is dirty, and make sure you have no body odour at all times as you have to take care of the baby. Use the deodorant that we provide.
- You cannot apply anything that is oily or has a strong smell as maam & the baby are sensitive to them. No perfumes or oil. If you are not feeling well, let us know and we will give you other medicine.
- You must always keep your room neat, clean and tidy.
- You must always keep your finger and toe nails short and clean.
- Always wash your hands with hand soap after using the toilet, after doing your chores, after eating, when we come home from outside, before cooking, before preparing feedings and before taking care of the baby.
Your Conduct
- Listen carefully to instructions and follow. Please do not argue with us when we give you instructions. Since we are the employers, things will be done our way.
- Be humble, mature and responsible. If we tell you that you have done something wrong, apologise and do it correctly. Apologise saying ‘Sorry maam/sir’, not ‘ya’ or ‘ok’. Remember your mistakes and do not repeat them again, or you will be wasting everyone’s time.
- You must be polite and greet everyone who comes to our house or when we visit their houses. This is good manners.
- Please greet us and our parents before you eat. If we are having meals at other people’s houses, do greet the owners as well. This is basic courtesy to be thankful for your meals.
- Please do not talk to outsiders without our permission. If you are outside and someone comes to speak to you, move away or let us know. Only talk to people we know, including other helpers we know.
- You cannot open the door to any stranger without our permission. We will tell you if someone is coming.
- Answer the phone if you are alone at home, and not busy with the baby. It will usually be us. If it is someone else, just say we are not home and to call back later.
- You can only enter our room if we tell you to. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, ask our permission first.
- You cannot enter the rooms of other people’s houses unless we ask you to, or our baby is inside. If you need to do something inside, like cleaning and packing, ask our permission first.
- You cannot watch TV or read the newspaper when you are supposed to be doing your work or taking care of the baby. You can read our books if you have the time, especially cookbooks. Do not turn on the television on your own, especially when you are alone in the house. You can read, write, or just rest after you have finished your chores.
- After you have finished repaying your loan, you can use your own salary to get a prepaid card for use. You can only use your handphone after 10pm, or if we allow you to rest earlier. Your handphone must be off and kept away from 7am to 10pm as that is your working time. We do not want you to be distracted when taking care of the baby. If you break this rule, we will keep your handphone and not allow you to use it anymore.
- As we are not Christians, you can only pray at home.
- We will keep all your money for you, and you can keep track with our documentation. When you need the money to buy things, tell us how much and we will pass it to you.
- You have to inform us immediately if you are slightly sick. If you are sick and don’t see a doctor, we will have to take care of you when you are very sick. You may pass the germs to the baby or us, and we will all fall sick. We will be very angry if this happens as the baby is sick and very weak.
- Please tell us if you hurt yourself. We want you to get treated immediately in the right way. Do not use your own medication. We will give you ours.
- Please do not use any of your traditional ways on us or the baby. Just do your job well and we will treat you well like a member of our family.
- Do not ask us for an off day as that is part of our agreement. We will go out as a family.
- You cannot tell outsiders what happened in our house or what we say. This is simple respect for us.
- You must always be honest and tell the truth. Please do not lie to us about anything. If we find out you lied about anything, we cannot trust you anymore.
- You must NEVER steal anything - clothes, things, money or food from us or anyone else. If you steal, we will send you to the police and you will GO TO JAIL. You will also not be able to come back to Singapore to work FOREVER.
Your Job
- Taking care of the baby is your most important job. You have to take care of her well, then do housework.
- You cannot beat or scold the baby. If she is naughty or you cannot handle her, tell us and we will teach you how. If you treat her well, she will love you too.
- If something happens when you are feeding, changing or carrying the baby, like raining or water boiling, always take care of the baby first. Finish what you are doing with the baby quickly then go do the other things.
- If you think the baby is sick, tell us immediately. A small thing might be very bad for the baby, so we have to give medicine fast.
- We will give you instructions on what to do everyday. You must reply “yes, maam/sir” if you understand. You must always ask if you do not understand our instructions or have forgotten something. We will not be angry with you for asking, but if you do something wrong because you did not ask, then we will be angry.
- When we ask you if you know how to do something, tell us the truth. We will show you how to do everything till you understand. You must follow and do all the jobs.
- We will give you a reasonable amount of work to do every day. If you cannot finish, you must tell us the reason, and we will adjust the schedule if it is necessary. Be fast, but make sure everything is clean.
- You must always ask us if you want to do something we did not tell you to do. We have our own ways of doing things so just follow. Don’t try to use your own ideas because they may be wrong.
- When we go to our parents’ houses, you must also help to do the housework there, like sweeping and moping the floor, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes and others.
- When we go to our friends’ houses, you must also help with the cleaning, cooking, washing dishes and others, if we are having our meal there.
- Help us to save money by not wasting water and electricity or things. We will give you tips on how to do a good job while saving money, like always turn off lights when you are not in the room, don’t wash things with too much water, can use last rinse for washing clothes to mop the floor, and make sure the lights, switches and gas are off before we leave the house.
- Always make sure that the window grilles are locked when you are cleaning windows. Always close and lock the window grilles in the study room after putting out or keeping the clothes.
- If you break something, let us know, in case we need to replace it. Don’t let us find out only when we need to use it. Be more careful the next time.
- Please put things back to where you took them from. Do not remove anything from its place without checking with us if it is ok. Else, we will not be able to find out things in the future.
- You will usually rest about 8-9 hours a day. We will inform you what time to wake up the next day depending on our schedule. Finish your chores before you go to bed regardless of the time.
- There are different cloths/brooms/mops/pails for different areas/purposes. Remember them and use them accordingly. If you cannot remember in the beginning, please ask, as we will be upset if you use the wrong one and dirty them.
- We will provide enough food for all your meals. We will tell you which are the items for you.
- We will provide all bath items, toothpaste and sanitary pads. Do not use the other toiletries in the bathroom. You will have your own set.
Your agreement
- In return for no off-days, we will pay you an extra $20 per month from your 8th month onwards.
- Your family can call maam’s handphone number if there is a need to speak to you during the 1st 8 months. You can buy your own calling card when you get your pay and call them once a month. You can also give them our address so that they can write to you. You can write to them as many times as you want. We will pay for the paper, envelopes and postage.
Please sign below to state that you accept and promise to work according to the above expectations set out for you as a Domestic Helper.
My Experience Of FDW
The agent told me these few things and I thing it worth take note. It help me alot.
(1) Better to take marry with children. More chance of getting FDW that are more well behave.
(2) From countery side and never work in Singapore or Oversea.
(3) Try not to give them off day. Pay them according to agent which is $70 for 4 days.
Reason: They may mixed with bad company.
(4) Never never .... allow her to take handphone. Tell her that you will allow her to call back using your phone.
(5) Before you bring her in, tell her that her salary will be place in bank or you safe keep. But you must tell that she can take money from you if she want to buy anything or sent back money.
(6) Tell the agent of you family background and requirement such as "need to take care you mum and father, wash car etc.... before bring her to Singapore.
(7) Respect her custom i.e. if she cannot take pork.
(8) MOM do not teach them all the safety. You must tell her about basic electrical , working at height safety, electrical applicance i.e blender etc, sufficient sleep.
(9) If she cannot understand english, you can use google translator to help you.
(10) Must have patient, some country side maid are really very slow and poor leaner. They need few months to adapt and familiar your requirement.
One last word. If they have money in her pocket, off day and handphone - Most likely you have problem if her motivate is not her as FDW.
Sorry, these points may seem odd or strange but these are some of the experience that I gained from past few good and bad maids.
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- I live in Singapore. Enjoy food and life. Life is like a tunnel, endless and dark, just concentrate on the light at the end, you will achieve your goal and happiness.