Cancer Alternative Treatment

This page is dedicated to our beloved sister whom passed away in 2013. She suffered from polio since she is a child. At that time, doctor has done several operations on her leg which result her handicap.

She was battling very aggressive cancer and she is one of survivor for 13 year which amazed by many of her friend and doctor.. Her cancer came back a few times after went through several chemo and radiotherapy.
She is a woman of strength who holds belief in God and strength. 
For 13 years, our siblings and I had been searching for alternative cure which help her to lesser her pain during her chemo treatment. On 2013, fluid filled at her lung after done drainage procedure.

After 6 month (2013), her doctor told us that her cancer has reached to her final stage. She was sent to hospice on Aug 2013.

Not even a week in hospice, we were informed that my sister is dying and also breathless. We rush to hospice to bring her back since her wish is to spend her last day at home.

My eldest sister and I keep praying to Jesus for help even I’m a free thinker. Miracle, happen on next days, she was able to speak and take some fluid. For few nights, I stay at her bedside.  
There is total no medicine but pain killer to relieve her pain. We hopeless but to continue to give her some of alternative food or cure that believed may help cancer. She able to eat, write and watch television. Her complexion also improved and fluid at lung area also reduced. The hospice nurses and her church friends were very surprise of her recovery. Until to 4th week the fluid has fluid full again. Nurse told me that it will be very painful if the lung unable to hold fluid.
I seek hospice doctor to drain her fluid out at hospital. Very unfortunately,   emergency doctor refuse to drain as her last admitted record stated that nobody allow proceed draining. She also unable goes back as they need to do more tests. I feared her condition will become worst as she has fear staying at hospital. Finally, her doctor allowed us to bring her back to spend her last days. The last night at hospital, I was with her whole night, I still recalled that she sudden wake up in the mid of night and told me that we can go through again once more time.
The following day after doctor has injected her pain killer due to breathless. She did not wake up and spend her last day days at home, she did not feel much pains. I feel that the alternative cure help her to relieve her pain and help her to fight cancer.
She called back home by God on 21 Sept. 2013 without suffering of pain.
Below are some alternative ways and cure that I would like to share with you. There are many ways you can fight cancer. One must build up the immune system so to fight against the life threating disease.
However, below alternative cure is depends on individual and medication taken to combine.

ABC Juice
5 years ago, a friend from cook class recommended this drink to me when she learned my sister has cancer. She told me that she read a Taiwan author whom cured his cancer by taking beetroot. In1950s that Hungarian physician Alexander Ferenczi shone a bright spotlight on the power of beetroot against can cancer. Beetroot have betacyanin content helped slow the growth of tumors by 12.5 percent in patients with breast and prostate cancer.
This drink is a hope for cancer patients.  My sister has been taking beetroot for 5 year and it help to effectively reduce risk of threatening disease by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
This miracle drink contains alpha and beta carotenes and lutein that I believe help cancer and also promote heart health, memory, anti-inflammatory and enhances the brain functioning.

Sabah Snake Grass

Scientific name : Clinacanthus Nutas
Chinese name   : Yu Xun Cao
Local name        : Belalai Gajah and Gendis

I came to know when my brother told that rumor from internet that I came to know from my brother that Liu Lian Hui (Malaysian) was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphatic cancers. He managed to survive after taking SSG.
I blend Sabah Snake Grass with green apple for my sister. Her blood test passed with flying color before chemo and has good appetite.
You can find this herb at Chinatown Herb Shop / Chinatown vegetable seller/ Clementi RC (near sunset - Look for Mr. Tan)

I came to know about saffron help cancer from a Malay lady when my sister was at hospital for her chemo treatment. This lady told me that she already 3rd stage when she discovered she has cancer. Similar like us, we search and seek for alternative cure. Her children told her that she saw some information that helps reduce risk of cancer. According to her, she took every day and her tumor size has reduce to very tiny (hardly can see) according to her.
I did a searched and found this.
Dr. Oz explained that cancer cells grow through bringing and building their own blood supply in your body.  The saffron can actually enter the cancer cells and send a signal that causes the cancer to “commit suicide.”  Dr.  Oz even said that saffron may be the cure for cancer in the future.  Saffron is not a cheap spice, it is around $8 per small box, but you only need a small pinch.
Every morning, she drink water mixed with a few string of saffron mixed with plain water. Amazing she told me that it help to relieve her pain significantly when she was at stage 4th. 

Apricot kernels
A few months of her final stage, I accidently found a site with a movie “A World Without Cancer”.
It is interesting movies.  that introduce using apricot kernels as alternative cure.
My sister took Apricot kernels that believe to contain amygdalin (Vitamin B17). It is believe that it attacks cancer cells and can help prevent cancer from breaking out in our bodies.
Amygdalin seems to have unique in the way that it directly attacks cancer cells. Amygdalin is sometimes referred to as Vitamin B17.  This site explain
She eat by chewed or we ground kernels can be sprinkled on bread. It doesn’t really taste bitter. It is better to gradually increase the number of kernels day by day with increase of water.
Gerson Therapy
Gerson therapy (  involves a very specific diet with nutritional supplements. It aims to rid the body of toxins and strengthen the body’s immune system. Need to drink alot of crushed fruit and vegetables. Recommend many of the various kinds of green leaves such Lettuce, red cabbage leaves (2-3 leaves), beet root leave (young inner leaves), swiss chard, escarole, endive, romaine, green pepper (1/4 of s mall one). Kale and collards are especially nutritious garden greens.
I did not follow all Gerson therapy exactly, I give her as much green vegetable that I can find at our supermarket i.e. Lettuce, endive, romaine, carrot and apple as much as possible.
These juices help her to relieve pains at her final stage of her life.
Budwig Diet
Dr Budwig was using Organic Flaxseed Oil combined with Organic Low Fat Cottage Cheese in preventing and curing Cancer and Chronic Diseases. Dr Budwig discovered that when she combined Flaxseed oil, with its’ powerful healing nature of essential electron rich unsaturated fats, and cottage cheese, which is rich in sulfur protein, the chemical reaction produced makes the oil water soluble and easily absorbed into the cell membrane.
The mixing ratio is two tablespoons of cottage cheese to one tablespoon of oil. Mix only the amount you are consuming at one time so it is mixed fresh each and every time.
I mixed these mixture and sprinkle some grind Apricot kernels for her morning breakfast. She feels great and do not feel so tired.
Aloe Vera
Use used topical Aloe Vera gel to treat dry or damaged skin, burns and cuts aloe resulted from affect chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Antioxidant vitamin may reduce effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation therapy treatments.  The risks of vitamins C, E, and beta carotene of affecting chemotherapy or radiation therapy are quite low
Hope this information is useful to those wanted to seek for alternative information but may subjected to individual health condition. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and wellbeing.
No information below may be construed as medical advice or instructions.
After many years as caregiver, feel like something is missing. I really missed her friendly simile.