Wheatmeal Bread

Thank to Happy Home Baking) for Wheatmeal Bread recipe.
This bread is using sponge method that I never make before.

Changed some of method as I using mixer instead of bread maker for kneading and shaped into bun shape.

120g wholemeal flour
85g bread flour
15g unsalted butter
85g bread flour
15g caster sugar1 teaspoon salt

4g (1 tsp) instant yeast
10g milk powder50g water

30g water




Sponge Dough

  1. Mix the dry ingredients in (A) in a mixing bowl.
  2. Add water to form soft dough. (I reduce water as slightly too much of water).
  3. Place dough in a mixing bowl, cover with plastic bag and let it rise for 90mins.

Main dough

  1. Place the ingredients in (B) into mixer and mix well.
  2. Add in the sponge dough.
  3. Mix at middle speed. After about 8mins of kneading, add in the 15g of butter (Ingredient C).
  4. And continue to knead the dough for 20 mins. Check the dough with window test.
  5. Use hand knead slight before place back to mixer bowl and cover with plastic bag and let it proof till double in volume for about 60mins.
  6. Remove dough and hand kneading to release air.
  7. Divide into 6 equal portions and shape into balls.
  8. Insert some pine nut and almond flake on top dough
  9. Cover with cling wrap, let the dough rest for 15mins.
  10. Apply egg wash before bake
  11. Bake at preheated oven at 180 deg C for about 15mins. (Note: Temp. depend on size of bun and oven)
  12. Remove from oven and ready to serve.

The next day, the buns still remains soft.